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Podrobno iskanje

LUKA KOPER, d.d., Koper

Release on the decision adopted by Securities Market Agency RS

On the basis of the provisions of Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and valid legislation, Luka Koper d.d. releases the following:

On 20th January 2010, Luka Koper d.d. received the decision by Securities Market Agency RS on the suspension of voting rights in Abanka Vipa d.d. as of 13th January 2010, by way of which Securities Market Agency RS from the date of decision's finality prohibited the following companies

• Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d.,
• Slovenska odškodninska družba d.d.,
• HIT d.d. in
• Mobitel d.d.

to exert their voting rights until these same companies and Luka Koper d.d. together, one of them in the name and on the account of all, or several of them in the name and on the account of all – in compliance with the provisions of the Takeover Act RS - make a formal takeover bid for target company Abanka Vipa d.d., or until the companies exercising voting rights in the target company dispose of ABKN shares so that the companies together, one or several of them no longer attain takeover threshold.

From 21st January 2010, the information will be published on the company's website.
The Management Board
Date: 21.01.2011