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PETROL, d.d., Ljubljana

Announcement of Intent of Purchase of Notes Due 24 June 2019 (ISIN XS1028951777) Issued by Petrol d.d., Ljubljana

The information contained in this announcement will remain posted on the website of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana (www.petrol.si) at least 5 years from the date it is published.

In accordance with Clause 6.6 of the Prospectus published on the website of the Irish Stock Exchange (www.ise.ie), Petrol d.d., Ljubljana intends to repurchase part of the notes due 24 June 2019 (ISIN: XS1028951777) in the open market with the respective market conditions.

Pursuant to Clause 6.7 of the Prospectus, the notes due 24 June 2019 (ISIN: XS1028951777) so purchased will be cancelled, when the cumulative amount of the purchase reaches 5% of the respective total nominal value of notes. Following the partial cancellation, the aggregate nominal value of the notes due 24 June 2019 (ISIN: XS1028951777) will be reduced accordingly.

Management Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana
Date: 31.07.2017