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SAVA RE d. d., Ljubljana

Transfer of Sava Re POSR Share to Prime Market

On 22 March 2012, Sava Reinsurance Company d.d. received the decision of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange that the share of Sava Reinsurance Company d.d. (POSR) will be transferred from the standard market to the prime market. Sava Reinsurance Company meets all conditions and criteria for the transfer, such as amount of capital and class of share (market capitalisation of EUR 50.109.762), dispersion of class of share in public (63,0%), minimum three years operations and provision of audited financial statements with notes (for at least three years).


After the transfer to the prime market, the Company will also meet the requirement of quarterly reporting on a Group level including publication of quarterly consolidated financial statements.

Management Board
Date: 22.03.2012