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DUTB, d. d.

DUT03 and DUT04 bonds listed on the Third Market at the Vienna Stock Exchange

In accordance with the Rules of Ljubljanska borza, d.d., Ljubljana, and applicable law, Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, d.d. (“BAMC”), Davčna ulica 1, Ljubljana, hereby makes the following announcement:

This is to inform the interested public that on 22 August 2016 BAMC was notified by the Vienna Stock Exchange that its application to list its DUT03 and DUT04 bonds in the Vienna Stock Exchange Third Market quotation and that both bond issues were listed on the Third Market as of 23 August 2016. The Vienna Stock Exchange’s Third Market is a MTF (multilateral trading facility), and is not a regulated securities market.

In the context of listing the DUT03 and DUT04 bonds on the Vienna Stock Exchange Third Market, BAMC is planning to delist all three bond issues (DUT02, DUT03 and DUT04) from the regulated market at the Ljubljana Stock Exchange no later than the beginning of September.

The purpose of BAMC’s decision to list the DUT03 and DUT04 bonds on the Vienna Stock Exchange Third Market and delist the DUT02, DUT03 and DUT04 bonds from the Ljubljana Stock Exchange organized stock market is to allow the applicability of the third paragraph of Article 4 of the Act Defining the Measures of the Republic of Slovenia to Strengthen Bank Stability (ZUKSB), which stipulates that BAMC shall not include in its consolidated annual report the companies whose equity stakes or shares it had acquired by means of purchase/compensated acquisition of bank assets, or as part of corporate restructuring as per the first paragraph of Article 10a of the ZUKSB.

This notice will also be posted on the company website, www.dutb.eu, for a period of 5 years following the date of publication.



                                                                                       DUTB, d.d.

Date: 25.08.2016