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INTEREUROPA, d.d., Koper

Notice regarding unofficial information in the media

Pursuant to the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and applicable legislation, Intereuropa, d.d., of Vojkovo nabrežje 32, Koper, hereby publishes the following announcement:

With regard to the unofficial information appearing in the media, we inform the interested parties that the management of Intereuropa, logističke usluge d.o.o., Zagreb, discovered embezzlement of funds by an employee. At this time, the extent of the damage, the impact on the financial statements, and other details cannot yet be determined with certainty. Specific information will be available upon completion of the forensic examination by Ernst & Young Svetovanje d.o.o. According to the data collected so far, there are no indications that individuals from the management of the subsidiary or the management of Intereuropa d.d. took part in the embezzlement. 

This announcement will be viewable on the website of Intereuropa d.d. at www.intereuropa.si for a minimum of five years from the date of publication.

Management Board
Date: 12.11.2019