GM-209/12 GORENJE, d.d., Velenje Announcement of the correction of voting results under agenda items 3.1 and 3.2. at the 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Gorenje, d.d., held on Thursday, July 5, 2012
The Management Board of Gorenje, d.d., Partizanska 12, Velenje, Slovenia, pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act (ZGD-1), the Market of Financial Instruments Act (ZTFI), the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the Corporate Governance Code for Joint Stock Companies, hereby announces the following message:
Due to technical problems during the vote on the resolution for agenda items 3.1 and 3.2 at the 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Gorenje, d.d., held on Thursday, July 5, 2012, presided over by Leonard F. Peklar and the Verification Committee comprising Mr. Blaž Klinar, Mr. Robert Ernestl, and Mrs. Milena Obu, in the presence of Notary Public Mrs. Katja Fink from Celje, the Management of the Company announcements the correction of the voting results, as follows:
Item 3: Deliberation upon the allocation of balance sheet profit for the year 2011 and acquiescence of the Management and the Supervisory Board
Item 3.1: Deliberation upon the allocation of balance sheet profit for the year 2011
- The accumulated profit for the financial year 2011 in the amount of EUR 5,524,499.87 shall be appropriated for the following purposes:
- Part of the accumulated profit in the amount of EUR 2,386,031.40 shall be used for the payment of dividends (EUR 0.15 gross per share),
- The remainder of the accumulated profit in the amount of EUR 3,138,468.47 shall remain unappropriated.
All shareholders registered in the Share Register as at July 9th 2012 shall be entitled to a dividend. Dividend is scheduled for payment within 45 days following the adoption of the present resolution.
The total number of shares represented at the General Meeting for this item: 10,076,090. The number of shares for which valid votes were cast amounts to 10,075,884, the proportion of such shares in the share capital of the company amounts to 63.343%. The total number of valid votes cast amounted to 10,075,884 and represented 63.830% of all voting shares, of which 8,984,760 votes were in favour of the resolution, representing 89.171% of the total number of votes cast, and 1,091,124 votes were against the resolution, representing 10.829% of the total number of votes cast. The number of abstentions was 206.
Item 3.2: Acquiescence of the Management and the Supervisory Board
- Acquiescence for business year 2011 is granted to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Company.
The total number of shares represented at the General Meeting for this item: 10,076,090. The number of shares for which valid votes were cast amounts to 10,076,089, the proportion of such shares in the share capital of the company amounts to 63.344%. The total number of valid votes cast amounted to 10,076,089 and represented 63.831% of all voting shares, of which 8,983,899 votes were in favour of the resolution, representing 89.161% of the total number of votes cast, and 1,092,190 votes were against the resolution, representing 10.839% of the total number of votes cast. The number of abstentions was 1.
Correction of the voting results will also be taken into the official records of the Assembly, which will be carried out by Katja Fink, Notary from Celje.
Disclaimer: The English text for all announcements is for information purposes only!
The information in this announcement will be available on the official web site of the company Gorenje, d.d., Velenje, Slovenia, www.gorenje.com, for at least 5 years from the date of this announcement. Gorenje, d.d.,
The Management Board
Date: 09.07.2012