PAL-142/23 Ljubljanska borza, d. d., Ljubljana New Liquidity Provider for debt securities with the following codes: RS80, RS82, RS89, RS91, OZ18, DZ101, DZ102, DZ103, SZ134, SZ135, SZ136 and TZ206
Company: |
Republika Slovenija |
Registered office and business address: |
Župančičeva 3, 1000 Ljubljana |
Market segment: |
Bonds, Treasury Bills |
Tickers and ISIN’s: |
RS80 (SI0002103776), RS82 (SI0002103966), RS89 (SI0002104246), RS91 (SI0002104303), OZ18 (SI0002104337), DZ101 (SI0002503314), DZ102 (SI0002503348), DZ103 (SI0002503421), SZ134 (SI0002503355), SZ135 (SI0002503389), SZ136 (SI0002503413) and TZ206 (SI0002503371) |
Liquidity Provider: |
Nova KBM d.d. |
Date of initiation of Liquidity Providing: |
1 June 2023 |
Liquidity Providing Group |
S 3 |
Minimum quote size in lots: |
3 lots (min. quantity in Xetra@ T7 = 3 * principal's nominal value of a debt security) | Ljubljana Stock Exchange
Date: 31.05.2023