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GORENJE, d.d., Velenje

Summary of the 2007 Audited Annual Report of Gorenje, d.d., and of the Gorenje Group

The 2007 Audited Annual Report of Gorenje, d.d., and of the Gorenje Group was discussed and adopted by the company Supervisory Board at its regular meeting on 24 April 2008.

The companies included into consolidation:

In addition to the mother company - Gorenje, d.d., the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Gorenje Group for 2007 also include the following subsidiary companies:

In Slovenia: Gorenje IPC, d.o.o., Velenje; Gorenje Tiki d.o.o., Ljubljana; Gorenje GTI, d.o.o., Velenje; Gorenje Notranja oprema, d.o.o., Velenje; Gorenje Gostinstvo, d.o.o., Velenje; LINEA, d.o.o., Velenje; Energygor, d.o.o., Velenje; Kemis, d.o.o., Radomlje; Gorenje Orodjarna, d.o.o., Velenje; ZEOS, d.o.o.; Istrabenz Gorenje energetski sistemi, d.o.o., Nova Gorica; GEN-I, d.o.o., Krško; Istrabenz investicijski inženiring, d.o.o., Nova Gorica; Surovina, d.d., Maribor; RVT d.o.o., Maribor; INDOP, d.o.o., Velenje; ERICO, d.o.o., Velenje; Istrabenz Gorenje inženiring, d.o.o., Ljubljana.

Abroad: Gorenje Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H., Austria; Gorenje Austria Handelsgesellchaft m.b.H., Austria; Gorenje Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Germany; Gorenje Körting Italia S.r.l., Italy; Gorenje France S.A.S., France; Gorenje BELUX S.a.r.l., Belgium; Gorenje Espana, S.L., Spain; Gorenje UK Ltd., Great Britain; Gorenje Skandinavien A/S, Denmark; Gorenje AB, Sweden; Gorenje OY, Finland; Gorenje AS, Norway; OÜ Gorenje, Estonia; SIA Gorenje, Latvia; Gorenje spol. s r.o., Czech Republic; Gorenje real spol. s r.o., Czech Republic; Gorenje Slovakia s. r.o., Slovak Republic; Gorenje Budapest Kft., Hungary; Gorenje Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland; Gorenje Bulgaria EOOD, Bulgaria; Gorenje Zagreb, d.o.o., Croatia ; Gorenje Skopje, d.o.o., Macedonia; Gorenje Commerce, d.o.o., Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gorenje, d.o.o., Serbia; Gorenje Podgorica , d.o.o., Montenegro; Gorenje Romania S.R.L., Romania; Gorenje aparati za domaćinstvo, d.o.o., Serbia; Mora Moravia s r.o., Czech Republic; Gorenje - kuchyne spol. s r.o., Czech Republic; Gorenje Imobilia, d.o.o., Serbia; Gorenje Adria Nekretnine, d.o.o., Croatia; Kemis-Termoclean, d.o.o., Croatia; Kemis BiH, d.o.o., Bosnia and Herzegovina; Kemis Valjevo, d.o.o., Serbia; Gorenje Invest, d.o.o., Serbia; Gorenje Gulf FZE, United Arab Emirates; Gorenje Tiki, d.o.o., Serbia; GEN-I, d.o.o., Croatia; Intrade energija, d.o.o., Bosnia and Herzegovina; Vitales, d.o.o., Nova Bila, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gorenje Istanbul Ltd., Turkey; Sirovina, a.d., Serbia; Gorenje TOV, Kiev, Ukraine; Vitales, d.o.o., Bihač, Bosnia and Herzegovina; GEN-I, d.o.o., Serbia; Vitales, d.o.o., Sokolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina; ST-Bana Nekretnine, d.o.o., Serbia.

The complete Annual Report in Slovene language can be viewed at the company headquarter every business day between 8 am and 1 pm. The 2007 Audited Annual Report of the parent company and the Group, along with the Auditor's Report, will be forwarded to the national Agency for Public-Legal Records and Related Services, in accordance with applicable regulations.

The information of this announcement will be available on the official web site of the company Gorenje, d.d., Velenje, Slovenia, gorenje.com, at least 5 years from the date of the announcement.


Gorenje, d.d.,
The Management Board


Date: 24. 4. 2008

Attachments: Summary of the 2007 Annual Report, Supervisory Board Report for the year 2007