INI-504/19 GORENJE, d.o.o. Information about appointment of company's financial statements and Gorenje Group consolidated financial statements auditor for the financial years 2019, 2020 and 2021 Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange (Ljubljanska borza, d. d.), and the relevant legislation, the company Gorenje, d. o. o., Velenje, hereby makes the following announcement:
The company Hisense Luxembourg Home Appliance Holding S.á r.l., as the sole shareholder of the company Gorenje, d.o.o., adopted on 8 July 2019 resolution that for the financial years 2019, 2020 and 2021 the company Mazars, družba za revizijo, d. o. o., Verovškova ulica 55A, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, is appointed as the company's financial statements and Gorenje Group consolidated financial statements auditor.
Disclaimer: The English text for all announcements is for information purposes only!
The information in this announcement will be available on the official web site of the company Gorenje, d. o. o., Velenje, Slovenia, www.gorenjegroup.com, for at least 5 years from the date of this announcement. Management of Gorenje, d. o. o.
Date: 08.07.2019