INI-275/17 LUKA KOPER, d.d., Koper Response of the Supervisory board to the bill on the construction, administration and management of the second railway track Divača – Koper The Supervisory Board of Luka Koper, d.d. has at its meeting on 31.03.2017 discussed the bill on construction, administration and management the second railway track Divača - Koper. The Supervisory Board stands on the position that the second track has to be built as soon as possible. The bill, as it was presented in the public hearing would, in the case of adoption, lead to a halt the of construction of the second track. The Supervisory Board appeals to all stakeholders to develop a bill so that it is both legitimate and viable from a financial perspective of Luka Koper, d.d. The Supervisory Board
Date: 31.03.2017