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PETROL d.d., Ljubljana

37th General Meeting of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana

The information contained in this announcement will remain available on the website of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, www.petrol.si, for at least 5 years from the announcement date.

Pursuant to its resolution of 6 April 2023, the Management Board of PETROL d.d., Ljubljana, hereby invites shareholders to attend the 37th General Meeting of Shareholders of PETROL, Slovenska energetska družba, d.d., Ljubljana, which will be held on Thursday, 18 May 2023, at 12:00 (noon), on the premises of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, the conference hall on Dunajska cesta 48, Ljubljana.

The Invitation and Agenda, Working Documentation, Registration Form and Authorisation Form are attached.

Management Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana
Date: 14.04.2023