INI-571/23 SIJ - Slovenska industrija jekla, d. d., Ljubljana Information Based on the provisions of the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, d.d., Ljubljana and applicable legislation, the company SIJ – Slovenska industrija jekla, d.d., Gerbičeva ulica 98, Ljubljana (hereinafter: SIJ d.d. or the issuer) hereby informs that today on its website the SIJ Group has published the "Second Party Opinion", prepared by independent organization ISS Corporate Solutions (ISS), within which a benchmark analysis was carried out comparing the SIJ Group’s sustainability objectives with those of 31 steel and crude iron producing competitors. At the same time, the SIJ Group also published the Sustainable Financial Framework as a basis for future approaches to financing with the sustainable development dimensions. The proceeds from these financial instruments will contribute to business, environmental and social objectives.
The issuer hereby also releases some key results for the first half of 2023. In the first half of 2023, the SIJ Group generated sales revenues EUR 601.5 million, which is 17.6 % less than in the same period last year, achieved an EBITDA of EUR 53.7 million and an EBITDA margin of 8.9%, generating a net profit of EUR 14.2 million.
Additional information can be found in the attached press release hereby.
The published information will also be available online at www.sij.si for a period of no less than 5 years.
The Management Board of SIJ d.d.
Date: 06.09.2023