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First information on the 47th General Meeting of Shareholders of Zavarovalnica Triglav

In accordance with the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, ZAVAROVALNICA TRIGLAV d.d., Ljubljana is hereby publishing the following notice:

Today, at the 47th General Meeting of Shareholders of Zavarovalnica Triglav the shareholders passed the Management Board’s and the Supervisory Board’s proposal to allocate EUR 84.1 million for dividend payment or EUR 3.70 gross per share. This represents 74% of the Company’s consolidated net profit for 2021 and a 9% dividend yield. The dividend will be paid to the shareholders appearing in the Company’s share register as at 7 June 2022 (the ex-dividend date is Monday, 6 June 2022). Andrej Slapar, President of the Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav, said: “I thank the shareholders for their trust. The Triglav Group is financially stable and achieves the set results, and we are pleased that on this basis we are able to pay an attractive dividend to the shareholders. The dividend is exceptionally higher, because in addition to the dividend policy it also takes into account the aspects and circumstances of the past two years.”

The shareholders took note of the Annual Report of the Triglav Group and Zavarovalnica Triglav for 2021 and granted a discharge to both the Management Board and the Supervisory Board for 2021. The General Meeting of Shareholders approved Zavarovalnica Triglav’s remuneration report for 2021, while the consultative resolution on its remuneration policy was not adopted. The remuneration policy, which is pursued by Zavarovalnica Triglav and complies with the law, is not fully in line with the latest recommendations of the shareholder SDH, published on 16 March 2022. The recommendations of the shareholder SDH regarding the remuneration policy will be examined by the time the next regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Zavarovalnica Triglav takes place.

The General Meeting of Shareholders appointed the audit firm Deloitte revizija d.o.o., Ljubljana the auditor of Zavarovalnica Triglav for the 2022, 2023 and 2024 financial years.

This information will be published on the website of Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d. at www.triglav.eu as of 24 May 2022 and will remain available on the Company's public website for a period of at least five years.

Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d.
Date: 24.05.2022