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CAT claims due to extreme weather events in Slovenia and the region

Due to the extreme weather events in Slovenia and the wider region this summer, this year's CAT claims of the Triglav Group will deviate significantly from their long-term average. As a result, they will have a negative impact on the achievement of the Group's planned annual result; however, the impact will be limited by the Group's adequate reinsurance protection. A more detailed assessment of damage will be possible after these extreme weather events come to an end. The Group remains financially stable and appropriately liquid with a strong capital base.

In accordance with the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, ZAVAROVALNICA TRIGLAV d.d., Ljubljana is hereby publishing the following notice:

In June and July, Slovenia was hit by severe storms with wind and hail, and in early August, heavy rainfall caused flooding in most parts of the country. Extreme weather events are also present in the wider region. Extreme weather events are still occurring and their impacts continue to be felt, which is why national security measures are being taken by the Slovenian government.

The final assessment of property damage suffered by the Group's policyholders due to the extreme weather events this summer will be known when they will come to an end and the process of inventorying and assessing the damage will be possible. The latter will last several weeks. Given the situation, the Group estimates that the value of its CAT claims in 2023 will significantly deviate from their long-term average. They will have a negative impact on the achievement of the Group's planned annual result; however, the impact will be limited by the Group's adequate reinsurance protection. The Group remains financially stable and appropriately liquid with a strong capital base.

The mission of the Triglav Group as the leading insurance and financial group in Slovenia and the Adria region is to build a safer future. For over 120 years, the Group has been helping its clients to offset the risks they are exposed to, thereby providing them with security through insurance. Claims are an integral part of the Group's business, in the context of which it actively strives to strengthen awareness of the importance of preventive action by taking out appropriate insurance policies and ensuring the (financial) security of individuals, families and businesses.

This information will be published on the website of Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d. at www.triglav.eu as of 7 August 2023 and will remain available on the Company's public website for a period of at least five years.

Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d.
Date: 07.08.2023