INI-308/17 GORENJE, d.d., Velenje Resignation of a Supervisory Board member Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange d.d., Financial Instruments Market Act (ZTFI), and the Corporate Governance Code of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange, the company Gorenje d.d., Velenje, hereby makes the following announcement:
Velenje, April 10, 2017 – Today, April 10, the company Gorenje d. d. received a statement of resignation by the Supervisory Board member Toshibumi Tanimoto.
Toshibumi Tanimoto has been a Supervisory Board member at Gorenje d. d. since July 20, 2014. The cause of resignation is his medical condition. As he notes in his letter of resignation, he found it an honour to work with the Gorenje Group and he wishes a lot of success for the company in the future.
His term of office will be terminated after the Supervisory Board session on April 21, 2017.
The information included in this announcement will be available at the official website of the company Gorenje d.d., Velenje, at www.gorenjegroup.com, for a period of no less than 5 years from the date of announcement. Gorenje, d.d., Management Board
Date: 10.04.2017