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GORENJE, d.d., Velenje

Summary of the Audited Annual Report of Gorenje, d.d., and of the Gorenje Group for the Year 2005

The 2005 Audited Annual Report of Gorenje, d.d., and of the Gorenje Group was discussed and adopted by the company Supervisory Board at its regular meeting on 11 April 2006.

In addition to the mother company - Gorenje, d.d., the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Gorenje Group for 2005 also include the following subsidiary companies:

Companies, operating in Slovenia: Gorenje IPC, d.o.o., Velenje; Biterm, d.o.o., Bistrica ob Sotli; Gorenje Notranja oprema, d.o.o., Velenje; Gorenje Orodjarna, d.o.o., Velenje; Gorenje Indop, d.o.o., Velenje; Gorenje Tiki d.o.o., Ljubljana; Gorenje GTI, d.o.o., Velenje; Gorenje Gostinstvo, d.o.o., Velenje; LINEA, d.o.o., Velenje; Energygor, d.o.o., Velenje; Opte Ptuj, d.o.o., Ptuj; Kemis, d.o.o., Radomlje; Istrabenz - Gorenje, d.o.o., Ljubljana (JV); IG Prodaja d.o.o., Nova Gorica (JV)

Companies, operating outside Slovenia: Gorenje Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H., Austria; Gorenje Austria Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H., Austria; Gorenje Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Germany; Gorenje Körting Italia S.r.l., Italy; Gorenje France S.A.S., France ; Gorenje BELUX S.a.r.l., Belgium; Gorenje UK Ltd., Great Britain; Gorenje Skandinavien A/S, Denmark; Gorenje AB, Sweden; Gorenje Spol. s r.o., Czech Republic; Gorenje Real Spol. s r.o., Czech Republic; Gorenje Slovakia Spol. s r.o., Slovakia; Gorenje Budapest Kft., Hungary; Gorenje Polska sp. z o.o., Poland; Gorenje Bulgaria EOOD, Bulgaria; Gorenje Zagreb, d.o.o., Croatia; Gorenje Skopje, d.o.o., Macedonia; Gorenje Commerce, d.o.o., Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gorenje, d.o.o., Serbia and Montenegro; Gorenje Podgorica , d.o.o., Serbia and Montenegro; Gorenje OY, Finland; Gorenje AS, Norway; Gorenje Romania S.R.L., Romania; Gorenje aparati za domačinstvo, d.o.o., Serbia and Montenegro; Mora Moravia a.s., Czech Republic; Mora Slovakia s r.o., Slovakia; Gorenje Küchen GmbH, Austria; Gorenje Kuchyne Spol. s r.o., Czech Republic; Gorenje Imobilia, d.o.o., Serbia and Montenegro; Gorenje Adria nekretnine, d.o.o., Croatia, Kemis, d.o.o., Croatia; Kemis BiH, d.o.o., Bosnia and Herzegovina; Nacionalni brendovi, d.o.o., Serbia and Montenegro

This announcement will be also available on the www.gorenje.com web-site.


Gorenje, d.d.,
The Management Board


Date: 11. 4. 2006

Attachments: Summary of the Gorenje Annual Report 2005