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PETROL d.d., Ljubljana

The Supervisory Board Approves the Petrol Group's Business Plan for 2025

The information contained in this press release will be available on the website of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, www.petrol.si, for a minimum of 5 years from the date of publication.

Ljubljana, 16 January 2025At its 61st meeting, the Supervisory Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana discussed and approved the Petrol Group’s business plan and key objectives for 2025. The plan reflects the Petrol Group’s focus on the energy transition, further financial stability and customer experience enhancement and efficient adaptation to the complex energy situation and regulatory changes.

In 2025, the Petrol Group will continue its strategic transition from the traditional energy sources to more environmentally friendly, sustainable solutions. Despite the challenges brought about by the geopolitical uncertainty, regulatory restrictions and inflationary pressures, the plan envisages an improvement of the financial indicators and an increase of investments in projects that are vital to the green future.

“The business plan for 2025 has been prepared on solid foundations that support the transition to sustainable energy solutions and business stability. By making strategic investments in renewables and digitalisation, we will consolidate our competitive advantage and create an added value for all stakeholders,” said Sašo Berger, President of the Management Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana on business plan approval.

Business environment and challenges

The year 2025 will be marked by the continued instability on global energy markets driven by geopolitical tensions, inflation and the energy price regulation. In Slovenia, Petrol Group’s major market, especially, the low petroleum product margins and the tight regulation continue exerting pressure on the operations. Although the projections point to gradual energy price stabilisation, regulatory requirements and costs related to the green transition, such as an increased share of biofuels and the environmental legislation, will remain a challenge.

The Petrol Group will tailor its activity to such conditions through further process optimisation and cost efficiency. The aim is to ensure a long-term business stability and performance, including through additional investments in digitalisation and measures to improve operational efficiency. At the same time, the Petrol Group will pay special attention to managing risks and improving the capital structure in the volatile environment. This way, the Petrol Group will address the key challenges and continue adapting to changes on energy markets.

Key Highlights of the Business Plan for 2025

  • Sales revenue: EUR 6.1 billion
  • Gross profit: EUR 789 million
  • EBITDA: EUR 339 million
  • Net profit: EUR 177.8 million
  • Net CapEx: EUR 150 million
  • Net debt-to-EBITDA: 1.2

The Petrol Group will achieve the results planned for 2025 by selling:

  • 4.0 million tonnes of fuels and petroleum products,
  • merchandise and services in the amount of EUR 702.8 million,
  • 8.5 TWh of natural gas (B2C sales, excluding trading),
  • 3.3 TWh of electricity (B2C sales, excluding trading).

Net CapEx is planned in the amount of EUR 150 million, of which more than a half will be earmarked for energy transition projects, including investments in renewables, digitalisation and expansion of the range of products and services in mobility.

Strategic Focus

Energy source stability in connection with the energy transition will remain vital for a successful long-term performance. In addition to modernising service stations and introducing new contents for improving the customer experience, we are intensively developing projects in the field of renewables, such as solar power plants and wind power plants. Also, we are expanding the network of electric charging stations and the range of energy solutions for individuals and companies. By efficiently using energy commodities and supporting the green transition, Petrol provides its customers with a sustainable future. The Petrol Group will keep its strong role in the field of fuel and petroleum product sales which, together with merchandise sales, are the foundation of its financial stability. At the same time, it will continue making investments in supply chain optimisation, business process digitalisation and modernisation and in ensuring best services for users. Our ambition to grow encompasses increasing the number of service stations in the region, while maintaining the leading position in the segment of traditional service stations and EV-charging points.

Supervisory Board’s Opinion

The business plan for 2025 is a reflection of the well-thought-out adaptation to the complex situation and commitment to achieving the long-term objectives. The continued investments in renewables, digitalisation of operations and customer experience improvement will further consolidate the Petrol’s Group’s leading position in Slovenia and SEE markets. The Supervisory Board supports the Management Board and the management team in such endeavours and believes that the measures planned for 2025 will facilitate stability, sustainable growth and shareholder value growth.

Janez Žlak
President of the Supervisory Board

Sašo Berger
President of the Management Board
Date: 17.01.2025